
Halloween at Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo

Parco Natura Viva is today one of the main centers for the conservation of endangered animal species and environmental education center. The Park dedicates a special promotion to the youngest: on 29,30,31 October and 1 November 2017 children in costume and makeup come in free if accompanied by an adult paying full fare. There will also be many surprises for both children and animals in the Park. Lively orange pumpkins customized and filled for animals every year by staff, according to the tastes and needs of each species. Bears and honey, primates and fruit, predators and spices: winning combinations that engage animals for a long time, seeking to eat, break, and play. With the aid of the children, other thematic enrichments are also prepared. If monkeys are curiosity and cheerfulness by hiding fruit jellies between the straw, the strong perfumes dedicated to the lion and crisps pumpkins are to stimulate in the specimens the smell and group play.