
Secret Lake Garda

We all know the walks, the landscapes, the villages along the lake shore by now: just do a quick search for dozens of suggestions on the attractions of the lake, or even better you can consult our blog, which contains dozens of articles on the subject! There is, however, a secret Lake Garda, hidden from the main tourist routes, capable of offering unique views and emotions.

Our favourites are three: the Aril River, the "Marmitte dei Giganti" and Sentiero n°3.

Lake Aril

May seem strange, but within the Garda catchment area, there are numerous small lakes and rivers that contribute to the beauty of the area. The river Aril, in particular, is famous for being the shortest river in the world.The river springs from a resurgence in the historic centre of the village of Cassone, at the foot of Mount Baldo, and after only 175 metres, in which it is crossed by no less than three bridges and forms a small waterfall, it flows into the waters of Lake Garda. On this short journey, the River Aril becomes an oasis for trout, which breed here. The small lake formed by the river Aril, right next to the parish church, is a protected fishing reserve. To get there, simply follow the cycle path along Lake Garda: Cassone is only 4 km south of Malcesine. A word of advice: don't miss the small but well-kept Lake Museum, where some old fishing gear is preserved.

The Marmitte dei Giganti

At a short distance from Torbole, on the north-eastern shore of the lake, it is possible to admire true works of natural art: we are talking about the Marmitte dei Giganti, evocative rock formations of glacial origin. The potholes are deep wells of up to 10 metres, carved by the erosive action of water. To save time at the start of your hike, take the shortcut to the locality Fibbie. From Nago, follow the state road towards Arco, pass the HotelEverest and turn right at the traffic light. Continue to the little church of San Luigi, where you can park your car along the road. Just below the electricity pylons you will find the sign indicating the Marmitte dei Giganti. This is where your path begins: a dirt track that is almost flat and winds its way through the olive trees. The walk is made enjoyable not only by the ease of the path, but also by the splendid view that soon opens up: the last stretch of the River Sarca, MonteBrione and Lake Garda will give you breathtaking glimpses.

Path No. 3

Also known as the 'Ventrar Path', is an easy and short route, although the CAI classifies it as EE (expert hikers) due to some exposed sections that may cause some dizziness. The route is 5 km long, with a total height difference of 500 metres, and will take you to admire the lake from above, in all its beauty.

Reaching it is very convenient, because the starting point is the mountain station of the Funivia Malcesine MonteBaldo cable car and the route is a loop. Our advice? Wake up early, have a nice breakfast at the Skywalk MonteBaldo Lounge Bar and then off you go, between mountains, sky and lake! What do you think?

We are curious to know your impressions!